New Income Stream to Grow "Fourfold" by 2027

Jason Williams

Posted July 3, 2023

It’s the third of July. And that makes tomorrow a national holiday here in the States…

So I’d bet a lot of you are taking the day off today to make a long weekend out of it.

And I wholeheartedly approve of that. I’m the last person who’ll complain about an extra day off from time to time.

But just because you’re not working today doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be getting paid.

In my humble opinion, you should always be getting paid. That’s the true path to lasting riches.

The super-wealthy class doesn’t just get paid to work; they get their money to work for them, too, and get paid no matter what.

That’s a luxury I want every single person reading this missive to experience. And it’s a whole lot easier to achieve than you might think.

I run an investment advisory service that’s main focus is building solid, lasting, and growing income streams to help the members of our community achieve just that.

And, modesty aside, I’ve gotten pretty good at not only identifying high-value income streams, but also pinpointing the ones that are poised for rapid growth while avoiding those that are just a trap to lure in unsuspecting investors.

I’ve helped the members of my community collect payouts from the growth of the internet…

I’ve helped them claim a share of Amazon’s meteoric growth, all while never owning a single share of Amazon’s stock

I’ve even helped them capitalize on the cannabis “green rush” despite never recommending a stock that grew, processed, or sold cannabis.

And today, I’m here to share one I recently uncovered and shared with the members of our community…

One that’s poised to grow fourfold or more in the coming few years.

4x Growth by 2027

You see, I’ve been following the growth of the electric vehicle industry and watching as more and more people make the switch from traditional vehicles to EVs.

Just over a decade ago, there were barely any non-fossil-fuel-powered cars on the road.

Today, there are well over 10 million EVs cruising the streets.

And some analysts predict that there will be over 350 million of them by the year 2030!

That’s a 3,400% increase over the next few years!

And while I’m excited to see that kind of growth because it means consumers are adopting more sustainable lifestyles, I know that there’s one thing that could stop all that progress right in its tracks…

And that’s a lack of infrastructure to keep those cars cruising the streets.

I’m talking about chargers.

Right now in the U.S., there are about 130,000 public chargers that EV drivers can plug into to charge up.

And while that may sound like a lot, it’s not even close to what we’d need to support the growth analysts are projecting for EV car sales.

To put it in perspective, there are over 145,000 gas stations in the country, each with an average of six–12 pumps (some with far more).

So we’re talking about over a million individual fuel pumps.

And if we’re actually going to see 50% of new car sales go electric over the next few years, then we’re going to need a whole lot more than 130,000 chargers to support them all.

But the government has committed to helping subsidize the installation of 500,000 new chargers through the Inflation Reduction Act’s generous alternative energy funding package.

And private industry is also stepping up to the challenge and pushing to grow its own network of chargers for all those new EV owners.

So many companies are getting in on the action that analysts at Wood Mackenzie recently released a report that projects the U.S. EV charging network is going to grow to four times its current size over the next three years.

Think about that for a second…

Every year for the next three years, we’re expecting to see a 60% increase in the number of public charging stations.

And that rapid growth isn’t going to slow down until there are 18 million chargers out there for people to plug into.

Biden Goes Big, Stellantis Goes Bigger

Case in point, Stellantis, the owner of iconic American car brand Jeep (as well as another 14 domestic and international brands), just launched its EV charging initiative, dubbed Free2move Charge.

It’s the first product under a new charging and energy management segment of the business that aims to handle every aspect of powering up an EV, whether at work, at home, or on the go.

You see, Stellantis has a very ambitious goal when it comes to EVs in its fleet of vehicles. Perhaps even more ambitious than any other legacy carmaker…

It’s hoping to sell 5 million battery-powered vehicles per year by the end of this decade.

By 2030, if all goes as planned, 50% of the company’s U.S. sales will be EVs and 100% of its European business will be electric!

And it’s making incredible progress so far. In 2022, it was already offering 23 different battery-powered vehicles for sale in global markets and EV sales grew 41%, to 288,000 vehicles.

By 2030, it aims to offer 75 different EV models that should make up between 60% and 75% of its total global haul.

But it knows that there’s no way that many people are going to buy its EVs if they’re not sure where and when they’ll be able to charge them up to keep driving.

So its CEO recently committed to having 97% coverage in terms of its European EV owners having access to public chargers… by the end of this year!

And by the end of next year, it’s goal is 99% coverage, or a total of around 600,000 new chargers.

That’s a hundred thousand more than even the government plans to get installed here in the States. And Stellantis is going to do it in a year, versus six for the government plan.

All those new chargers mean two things…

First, EV drivers can wave goodbye to one of their biggest concerns, range anxiety.

And second, there’s going to be a lot of new money coming in from all those EV drivers paying to plug in and charge up.

And that’s where the income stream I was telling you about earlier comes into play…

Get Paid Whenever an EV Plugs In

You see, the companies and agencies that are committed to building out this massive network of EV chargers are all lacking one thing… real estate.

The U.S. government owns a heck of a lot of land in the form of national parks, forests, etc.

But the majority of that land is in places where there aren’t many people. And that’s not helpful when you want to install a whole bunch of chargers for people to use.

And companies like Stellantis own a little bit of property, but that’s mostly covered by their manufacturing facilities.

I don’t think EV drivers are going to be jazzed about having to drive hours to a park in the middle of nowhere or a factory somewhere in another state to get charged up.

But there is an entire industry that’s based solely on owning real estate that’s in prime locations that lots of people visit…

Shopping malls, grocery stores, service stations, truck stops along the highway…

All of these are ideal locations for this growing network of chargers to call home.

Now, all of those locations are owned by companies that typically aren’t involved in the EV industry.

But in order to get the chargers into the places where the people already go all the time, that real estate can be rented out by whomever is willing to pay.

And there are a lot of companies willing to pay to get those chargers out there where people will use them.

That’s leading to a completely new revenue stream for the companies that own the real estate.

And it’s also having a secondary impact that nobody really thought about, except for maybe the owners of those malls, stores, and stations…

It takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour to charge your average EV battery from low to full.

And while it’s charging, you obviously can’t drive it. So those EV owners are basically captive customers who’ll need something to do while their cars charge up.

That’s leading to increased revenues at the stores, malls, and stations where this network is already installed.

And as more people switch to EVs and more chargers pop up in places people frequent, those revenues (from the rental, from the extra shopping, and from the chargers themselves) are going to grow by leaps and bounds.

But the thing is, nobody’s really talking about this incredibly profitable aspect of the EV industry.

They’re all focused on the companies making EVs, the companies mining lithium, or the companies selling the chargers.

They’ve completely forgotten about the tangential industries that are going to benefit from the growing adoption of electric vehicles.

And that’s presented an opportunity for in-the-know investors…

$563 MILLION and Growing

Companies are already hopping on the bandwagon to capitalize on this growing wave of EV adoption.

In fact, some have been in the game for nearly a decade now.

And investors who are already privy to that information are set up to collect a whopping $563 million this year alone!

I’m talking about individual payouts worth $34,200 or more just this year!

But that’s small potatoes compared with what they’re likely to be collecting once this charging infrastructure build-out reaches full speed.

If the analysts at Wood Mackenzie are right (and I think they’re actually being conservative), then the EV charging network in the U.S. alone is going to quadruple in size over the next three or so years…

That could easily make this a multibillion-dollar income stream in no time flat. We’re talking about the potential for over $2.2 BILLION in annual payouts by 2027…

But like I said, I think that’s a conservative growth target. I think we’re going to need and see a whole lot more chargers going in across the country.

And I think it’s going to happen even faster than those analysts project. It has to in order to meet the growing demand for EVs…

So that $2.2 billion in cash payouts may just turn out to be an epic underestimate of the future power of this income stream.

How to Start Collecting “Plug-in Payouts” This Month

So, since I’m convinced it’s going to grow exponentially over the coming years, and since it’s already paying investors over a half a billion dollars today, I’m pounding the table insisting that everyone get a piece of the action.

And in order to help you do just that, I’ve put together a report detailing the entire opportunity.

Not only does it include an in-depth analysis of the industry, the problems it’s facing, and the solution these companies can offer, but you’ll also get the full details on how you can start collecting cold, hard cash starting this month!

You can get free access right here, right now. And since the markets aren’t closed until tomorrow, you can even get yourself set up to start collecting the payouts immediately.

If you play it the way I’ve outlined in the report, you could be getting paid nearly every single month for the rest of the year.

And you’re payouts will only get bigger and bigger as the EV charging network continues to expand to cover all those new owners.

So take a little time today and get all the details on how you can start collecting these payouts every time someone plugs in to charge up.

Then sit back and watch the cash come rolling in.

And, of course, have a happy Fourth of July (and be careful with those fireworks)!

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

follow basic Angel Research on Youtube

After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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